Okay, I'm a slacker and didn't get a card in the mail so I asked the kids what they wanted to say to you on Fathers' Day and this is what they said. Thanks for being a great Daddy and loving us so much. We miss you and can't wait for you to come home!

Daddy's Babies!!!
I love my Daddy because he takes us places, gives us stuff when he comes home, and keeps our country safe. Heath McDonald, age 8
I love you Bobby McDonald. I love him so much because he loves me. He is in my family.
Eli McDonald, age 6.

Daddy and boys trip to Atlanta to the Monster Truck Show!!

I love you. My Daddy takes pictures. He takes me to Disney World. Caroline McDonald, age 3.

One of the kids favorite activities to do with Daddy....wash cars!!!

I love Daddy. I play with Daddy. Daddy runs! Chloe McDonald, age 3.
Happy Father's Day!!!!