I had a weekend planned just for the boys but the weather didn't cooperate. I think they had fun anyways. On Saturday, after Heath's football game, we went to Atlanta with the intentions of going to Six Flags. They were having Air Force Day and I thought the boys would like to go and ride some of the rides. We left home and the weather was great but the closer we got to Atlanta the darker it got and when we got on the outskirts of Atlanta it started raining. I had anticipated the rain and had a "plan b" in my back pocket just in case. I explained to the boys that with the weather the way it was we wouldn't have any fun at Six Flags and would be soaking wet so we were going to go the Children's Museum. At first they weren't thrilled but when we got inside they loved every minute of it. On the Museum website it says most people stay around 2 hours well, we were there 3 and they would have stayed longer if it wasn't closing! On the way home, after sitting in classic Atlanta traffic for 2 hours, Heath said, "Thanks Mom for plan b, it was fun!"