Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Okay, I'm a slacker and didn't get a card in the mail so I asked the kids what they wanted to say to you on Fathers' Day and this is what they said. Thanks for being a great Daddy and loving us so much. We miss you and can't wait for you to come home!

Daddy's Babies!!!
I love my Daddy because he takes us places, gives us stuff when he comes home, and keeps our country safe. Heath McDonald, age 8
I love you Bobby McDonald. I love him so much because he loves me. He is in my family.
Eli McDonald, age 6.
Daddy and boys trip to Atlanta to the Monster Truck Show!!
I love you. My Daddy takes pictures. He takes me to Disney World. Caroline McDonald, age 3.
One of the kids favorite activities to do with Daddy....wash cars!!!
I love Daddy. I play with Daddy. Daddy runs! Chloe McDonald, age 3.

Happy Father's Day!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dance Recital 2010

Backstage with their friend Brooklyn.
Chloe on stage.....she rub her eye so it looks like she has a black eye!
Caroline dancing!!!
Tap number......they caught fish at the end.
On stage with the whole studio for the finale.

The girls had their first dance recital! After many dance recitals in my lifetime it was weird to be on the other side of the process. I completely understand what my Mom meant when she said that she didn't really remember what the dance was like until she watched it at the actual recital even though she had sat through rehearsal because I was the same way. I was so concerned with getting pictures(which aren't great but I did get some) and trying to video that I didn't really even watch them at rehearsal. On the way home from rehearsal Chloe yelled from the backseat, "Mom, you listening? That was fun!!!" It was totally worth sitting in the studio every week trying to keep Heath and Eli occupied for an hour when I heard that come out of her mouth. The both danced and remembered most all of the movements......which is rare for children their age. They smiled and looked like they really enjoyed themselves. They have asked already when they get to dance and sing on the big stage again. I did learn a few lessons.....their hair does not curl well so next year they will get a bun, Chloe doesn't like mascara, and Caroline loves lipstick!!!
P.S. I worked for over an hour trying to get video to upload.....there was an error so I will try again when I have more time!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

The best picture I could get on Memorial Day Sunday......it took forever to get this one!!! Maybe one day they will take a good picture together.

Heath Finishes Primary School!

Heath helped lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Getting his certificate from Mrs. Comeau.
Singing the dreaded song.....yes Mom cried the entire time!
Clap Out....getting a hug from Mrs. Shirey his favorite counselor!
Mrs. Comeau....the best 2nd grade teacher ever!!

He finished 2nd grade last week. He had the best teacher and she pushed him to learn new things and think for himself. He was challenged daily by the kids in his class as well as Mrs. Comeau. He will "graduate" to the Elementary school next year and so this was a bittersweet last day of school. He loved attending Lake Joy Primary and loved the teachers he had the privilege of seeing everyday. They had a very long awards assembly on the last day of school as well as what they called a "Clap Out." The Clap Out was where all the teachers and children in the school lined the halls and the 2nd graders walked the halls of the school getting cheers, claps, and high fives from the children and staff. Look at Lake Joy Elementary.....Heath is on his way!

Our Kindergarten Graduate!

Singing his song about Kindergarten.
Hugging Mrs. Kiefer when she gave him the Teddy Graham Award.

Eli with his Top Reader Medal.
Eli Loves Mrs. Kiefer and Mrs. Volkert!!!

Eli finished Kindergarten last week. He has grown up so much in the last year and I don't like it!! He is reading and writing up a storm and working really hard at adding and subtracting. He had such a great experience with Mrs. Kiefer and Mrs. Volkert this year. He will miss them very much and so will I. He won a medal for being the top boy reader in his class. He was also given the "Teddy Graham" award from his teachers for giving the best hugs in class!

Chloe and Caroline End of Year Party/Program

Ice Cream!!!
Last Dance of the Year!!
Singing their little hearts out!
The whole class!
We Love Miss Wren!!!!

Chloe and Caroline finished 3 year-old preschool! They had an ice cream party and a end-of-the-year program. The girls had so much fun in Miss Wren's class this year. They have grown so much and learned a lot along the way. They will miss all the fun activities that Miss Wren had planned each day of preschool. They will also miss those sweet boys and girls that they call friends!

Monday, May 17, 2010

May School Events #1

May has been really busy and these are a few pics from the activities we have done so far. The girls had Muffins for Moms right before Mother's Day. They were so excited for Mommy to come and eat muffins with them. They also had a little gift for me which was a handprint mold! The boys participated in the Boosterthon Fun Run at their school. They both maxed their lap count at 35! They had a lot of fun but were very hot and tired when it was over. They also had Field Day at school. They both did the potato sack race, the crab walk, various class relays and competitions. They both loved getting their new shirts and spending time just playing at school!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RA Camporee

Heath and Bobby went on a two-night camp out with the RA's to Camp Kaleo. They stayed in tents, sat by the campfires, ate smores, and did boy stuff. They had competitions in BB guns, canoes, fire-building, archery, and many other things. Heath had so much fun and they both came home tired and very dirty!!!


Soccer is in full swing and the boys are having a ball!! Eli really understands this year and loves games....practice he is not to fond of but he loves a real game! I found out from the coaches wife that he was actually ranked the highest player on the team. (They do evaluations before the season to make sure the teams are as even as possible so that one team doesn't get all the good players.) I was shocked to find that out but was very proud of him at the same time. Heath is full force as always and his coach is trying to teach him to control himself so that he can control the ball. This will be a good lesson for him to learn because when they have the opening kick-off he goes as hard and fast as he can and sometimes misses good opportunities because he is trying so hard. So if it is Saturday morning or Monday evening you will find us at the soccer fields!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Pics from Easter and Early Spring

Here are some random pics. The first two are Easter that I forgot to include in the Easter post and the others are just some pics from the Lane Packing playground.

Heath's Art

Heath's Art Project was chosen to be displayed at the mall for Youth Arts Month. Heath seems to love everything about school but when you ask him what his favorite thing at school is 9 times out of 10 he tells you Art. I was so happy for him that his work was chosen. There are 600 students at his school and there were 30 children's pieces chosen to display so I was so proud of him!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter 2010

Chloe and Caroline at their pre-school Easter Egg Hunt!

The girls had an Easter Egg Hunt at school. Thank heaven Daddy was able to take them because I had the flu. They had lots of fun and practiced hunting eggs for several days after that. We then had an Easter Egg Hunt at church on the Saturday before Easter. The kids love the hunt at church because their are so many eggs to pick from. Heath learned his lesson from last year and he looked for the carrots but picked up eggs along the way too. We made our "Jesus" biscuits before lunch and enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend!