We just got home from Disney 2009! We had a lot of fun but Bobby and I are in need of another vacation. It is a lot of work to take 4 children under 6 to Disneyworld a week! Hope you enjoy the pics.

Heath got called up at Storytime with Belle to be Papa in the story. He was so excited! He had this smug smile because he also lost a front tooth while we were gone so he is snaggle-toothed big time!

Chloe and Caroline dancing at the Street Party at Magic Kingdom. Baloo the Bear stopped to tell them Hello!

The kids in front of the tree of life at Animal Kingdom!

The kids with Leo and Annie from the Little Einsteins. The girls were thrilled to see them!

Dancing at the Block Party at Hollywood Studios. They had a blast trying to mimic all the dance moves!

Fireworks at the Magic Kingdom. We watched from the backside this night and the front side on our last night. It was neat to see both perspectives.....but it was much more dramatic from the front!

Chloe and Caroline checking out Minnie Mouse's house. They loved every minute of it!

Caroline and her daddy on what she called "Space Mountain". It was really that little train thing that went through Tomorrowland but she thought it was the real thing!

To Infinity and Beyond! The girls were as excited as the boys to say hello to Buzz.
We always say as we leave Disneyworld that it will be awhile before we go back....but I think we have the Disney bug so we will probably forget how tired we are and go back sooner than we think!
What fun!! The kids have grown up so much, especially the girls!!
Looks like you guys had a blast. We are getting ready to take the kids at the end of the month. I'm so excited and ready to Mickey!!!
I know what an undertaking it is to take 4 kids on vacation.... wow. Just packing is overwhelming! what a fun vacation!! I think we are going to try to go Next year? I hope so. I love your pics.
Christa Nelson
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