We had a great Easter Weekend. I don't have the pics in sequential order but I will tell you that on Saturday we went to church in the morning to hunt eggs, came home and did our Resurrection activities, and then had the Easter Bunny and church pics on Sunday. I wanted the kids to understand that Easter is not all about hunting eggs and easter bunnies so I read the a book about the real meaning of Easter (kids version). We then went out and hunted eggs that had objects in them that went with the real meaning of Easter and explains to them in kid terms what each of the objects mean and how it relates to the Easter story (Resurrection eggs from the Christian Book store). We then made Resurrection rolls (thanks Emily for the recipe) for dessert at dinner. Here are the pics.
Reading: The Meaning of Easter board book
Hunting for the Resurrection eggs.
Still hunting there were 12 of them to find.
Still looking!
Opening each egg to find out what was inside.
Caroline opening the crescent rolls.
Chloe putting Jesus (marshmallow) in the oils(butter) and spices (cinn/sugar).
Heath and Eli putting the rolls into the "tomb". We waited 3(10-12 min) days to see what would happen.
After the hunt at church....look at our baskets they wouldn't hold anymore!

Seeing what we got......we love candy!

Only pic I have of Heath at the hunt....he wanted to find the carrots so he could get a special surprise so he was off doing his own thing while Eli and the girls stuck close together looking for eggs!

Heath with his Easter bunny loot. He had already gone through it all when I came in the kitchen after my bath so I don't have any idea what his reaction was when he came down the stairs.

Thank you Easter bunny I have been wanting pink glasses!

I love yellow and it is a Lightning McQueen car on top of that!!!

I can't wait until mommy gets the tags off I want to wear them now....upside down even!
Don't we look nice?

This is the kids favorite....they wanted me to take a pic of them making funny faces!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend! We missed you Daddy!
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Happy Easter!
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