Monday, May 11, 2009

Field Day 2009

Heath and Catherine pulling Cole on a sheet.

The jump rope relay.
Heath doing the crab walk relay.  Look at Ms. Dunn's face....she is competitive!

Field Day at Heath's school was last week.  It lasted from 9-2.  We dropped Eli off at school at 9:00 and the girls and I headed to Heath's school.  We got there just after they had started.  They had 4 different stations set up around the field for each grade level to have an area to be.  One area was a bunch of free play activities that they children could do with little to no supervision but the other four areas were relay type activities.  Some of the relays the entire class competed and some of the relays they had chosen students to compete based on their abilities.  Ms. Dunn, Heath's teacher, was very competitive and kept reminding her class that they were not there just to play the games that they were there to win!  That was good for Heath's personality because he always wants to be the best so that just fired him up.  You will see by the pics that they seemed to have a really good time.  He was very tired when he got home and slept very well that night!  The girls even seemed to have a good time.  The spent the morning playing in the hula hoops and picking "flowers".

Chloe and Caroline playing with the hula hoops.

Caroline picking "flowers"......I call them weeds!

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