Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random Summer Pics!

Swim Lessons 2009

We just finished swim lessons with the swim team.  The boys really enjoyed lessons and they really learned a lot this year.  We were very impressed with the amount of actual swimming instruction that the boys received.  Heath can swim the freestyle and backstroke(with a little assistance). He is diving off the starting block and can swim about 10-15ft. unassisted! Eli is much more confident in the water and is not scared of going under or getting his face wet.  He is really good at kicking!  He forgets to kick when he puts his face is hard to coordinate all of that but he is getting there.  They are already wanting to go back and the swim team does swim lessons year round here(the put a bubble up over the pool so they can swim year round).  So we may try to slip some lessons in sometime during the school year to keep their skills up!
Heath off the starting block.
Eli swimming.
He is proud of himself!
Heath swimming freestyle back to the wall.

Getting that all important certificate and lollipop on the last day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Vacation Bible School 2009

Chloe being a joey!

Riding the Boomerang Express in the foyer.
One of Heath's craft projects!

We have a fun week at Vacation Bible School.  I have finally caught back up on all the laundry I missed....still trying to get caught up on all the housework!  Everyone really enjoyed hopping on board the Boomerang Express this year.  Our church had a train engine built in the foyer as well as in the worship center so Eli and the girls were very excited.  They still love trains!  Heath got to attend music camp where they perform the music for the bible school theme.  I didn't get any good pics of him singing.....again the lighting in the church does not do well for pictures.  I didn't get to video because Bobby was TDY and I had the girls and Eli in the audience with me!  But as much fun as bible school is I was glad to be able to relax and not get up and out of the house so early this week!  But I am already looking forward to next years bible school where we get to put on our boots and Saddle Up!