Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Chloe and Caroline!!!

The girls turned three last Friday.  They had 3 days of birthday festivities!  On Thursday, they had their birthday snack at preschool.  On Friday, they had their 3 year well-check and opened presents from Paw-Paw and Maw-Maw.  On Saturday, they had a little birthday party with Granny and Grandpa and Aunt Lawanna.  They had so much fun are so excited to be 3!!!  Here are the pics from our festivities and no Daddy these aren't all but you can see the rest when you get home!

The morning of their birthday.....aren't they cute!
Chloe at preschool.....she licked the plate when she finished her cupcake!
Caroline at preschool.....she was wearing most of it on her face!
Presents from Paw-Paw and Maw-Maw.
Wow!  $3!!!
Their Dora and Diego cake.
Singing and blowing out candles.
Opening presents!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Preschool Here We Come!!

The girls started Preschool today.  They go Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9am-12pm.  They have been talking about school since last year when we would take Eli and pick him up and finally today they got to go to school!   They were so excited to get to have a backpack and get their pictures taken (you can't tell by the pictures because they wouldn't cooperate once I got the camera).  Mrs. Wren is their teacher and they are very excited about having friends!  I spent the 3 hours while they were at school at Heath and Eli's school cutting out things and making stuff for the teachers!  More to come tomorrow when they take cupcakes to school for their birthday!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dora Live!

We traveled to Atlanta this weekend to see Dora the Explorer Live!  The girls have been so excited about going to see Dora and I think they boys were just as excited but wouldn't admit it.  We had good seats and the kids were very well behaved.  The fox Theater in Atlanta is beautiful.  Dora puts on a really good interactive show so the kids get involved and get to wave their stars, sing, dance, and help Dora find her lost teddy bear.  Thanks Daddy for buying us the tickets we had a really good time!

Football 2009

Football started this weekend!  Heath was very excited and couldn't wait to get there!  He had several long runs and played very well.  He got a grey star for best offense.  

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My Mom would be so proud.  My babies started Ballet today.  They have been talking about ballet and wanting to go to ballet so bad and today they finally go to go!  They looked so little and tiny in their ballet leotards.  The school they attend has parents to wait outside so I have no idea what they did once the door closed but it was supposed to be 30 minutes of ballet and 30 minutes of gymnastics.  When I asked them what they did Chloe said, "I did a flip!"  Caroline just said, "I go back next time."  Chloe came out crying and the teacher said she was upset because she didn't get to pick which sticker she got (the rule is you take what you get!).  I told that teacher that she was fine and she just needs to learn the rules and play by them!  Here are the pics....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Royal Ambassador

Heath is so excited to be apart of RA's at our church.  He went for the first time two weeks ago and was told to memorize the pledge so that he could receive his vest and RA patch.  Of course, in typical Heath fashion he was determined to do it by the next Wednesday night.  We set out learning on stanza per day until he had it all memorized.  God was helping Heath out without Heath even realizing it because the day he was to say the pledge at church a new boy enrolled in his class at school.  When I picked Heath up I told him we needed to practice his pledge before church and he said," Don't worry Mom I have been practicing it all day.  The new boy in our class had on his RA t-shirt and I have been reading it off his back all day!"  So I had him recite it and sure enough he had it totally memorized!  He was so excited when he came down to my classroom to go home because not only did he get his vest but they also gave him a RA backpack to bring his stuff to church in.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Day of School 2009

The first day of school has arrived!  In a way I was glad because we get back on a more predictable schedule but in another way I was sad.  I have enjoyed spending more time with the boys this summer and I have loved them sleeping later in the morning!  But with all of that said the first day of school has arrived!  
The first day of school!
Mrs. Comeau Heath's 2nd Grade Teacher

Mrs. Kiefer Eli's Kindergarten Teacher

 I can't believe that Heath is old enough to be in 2nd Grade.  It was so great to see him happy to see his teachers from last year.  This is the first time he is going back to a school that he has attended before.  He didn't seem nervous at all and he even told me "Mom I know where everything is at this year!".   Even though I can't believe Heath is old enough to be in the second grade it blows me away that Eli is starting Kindergarten.  I was the crying mom this morning because I know that this is going to be a huge adjustment for him.  He is not used to going to school all day and I am not used to him being gone all day.  He will do great and I know they both are going to have a great day!